"Well, I’m sorry to have kept you listening for so long. We are pinning our dreams and hopes on young people. I hope you can understand that you are treasures of the underworld."

The best demon king is also the most popular and revered demon king in the whole underworld. My Lord Sasakes deserves these honors.
"Finally, I want to hear about your dreams in the future. Do you know if it’s ok?"
As soon as Sasakes’ voice fell, the first answer was Seraog.
"My dream is to be a demon king."
In the face of Seraog’s wild remarks, the whole venue issued all kinds of complicated sighs.
"It’s unprecedented for the devil to appear from the king’s house."
"Do you want to be a demon king by brute force?"
"The strength is good, but it is too rash."
It’s full of disbelief and doubts, but Seraog went on with his chest straight.
"If you can make the people in the underworld feel that I am talking, then you will have a demon king."
Chapter 9 Exposing the Secret
After Seraog, it was Elias who spoke.
"I want Jimongli to live as the master and win in RaingGae. This is my future goal."
The superficial dream may be true, but what is the real dream of a girl’s heart is unknown.
The young demons all told their dreams and goals one by one, and finally arrived in Cangna.
"I want to set up a school in the underworld to teach RaingGae knowledge."
For the dream of becoming a demon king, the executives were surprised and sighed, but for the dream of Cang Na, the executives frowned.
"It is right to say that RaingGae has a school that has already been set up?" A senior like seeking approval to pale that asked.
Pale that light replied
"That school is only allowed for class demons and a small number of special class demons. I want to establish that both class demons and metempsychosis demons can go to school without barriers."
"Hahahahaha ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… But the answer that Cang Na got belonged to the high-level people, and the laughter resounded through the whole meeting.
Looking at Cang in the square, there is a complicated expression on his face.
Then the executives laughed and said
"that’s impossible!"
"This is really Jay!"
"So that’s it! This is the so-called dream girl! "
"Although young is very good! However, Sidi’s boss was so mindless that he said such a talk in his sleep. Fortunately, this is the meeting place before his debut. "
Although Cang Na is laughed at by such feelings, it is hard to say anything than doting on his sister Seraph.
Level-to-level discrimination, pure blood discrimination against metempsychosis demons, this phenomenon can be seen everywhere in the underworld, but even so, it is still very serious to raise your head and those who laugh at the top look at each other.
Ye Yu looked at it quietly and said that Cang’s dream was to open a school, rather than saying that she wanted to change the discrimination of underworld demons against metempsychosis demons.
Such a wish is like shouting for the liberation of slaves in a slave society. If it is not pale, then the Sidi family is the sister of Leviathan, the Lord demon king. I’m afraid she will not simply laugh at it.
"I am serious!"
In the face of ridicule, pale bit his lip and looked up and repeated his words again than stubborn.
However, repeating the words again is in exchange for a cold warning belonging to the executives.
"Cang Na Sidi Dian demon, metempsychosis demon is usually in the service level demon to find talent. If you build a facility like that, it’s the same as trying to defeat the old family with unified glory. Even if the demon world has entered an era when it has to be changed, there are still things that can’t be changed. We laugh at you instead of treating you as a rebel because of your words. It’s because you are Sidi’s master and have the identity of Seraph’s adult and sister, but this identity is not something you can arbitrarily invest. "
"hey! I said that what you said is really reasonable, but it’s really brilliant to say these things in front of me. It’s just trying to slap your face. "
The sudden sound made the whole messy venue silent, and almost everyone’s eyes fell on the same position. The dark-haired teenager with a ponder face.
Recently, the young soldier Leah, who received the highest evaluation, defeated the almost unbeaten Phoenix family of three men in fair RaingGae, or put the frost out of the flame. This unbelievable way for everyone completely defeated the pride of the Phoenix family.
Delaying the degenerate angel cadre Kirkbor forced the descendants of the old devil faction in the world terrorist organization’ disaster group’ to blow themselves up.
Everything here is enough for the high-level officials of the underworld to give high praise, especially the incident of Kirkbor and the’ disaster group’ is beyond imagination.
Then, more importantly, the other party is still an ordinary soldier. Now, when he suddenly speaks in such a sarcastic tone, the faces and expressions of the senior executives are very embarrassed.
"I know what you’re trying to say, Gimmonli soldier, but please, your appearance is a case in ten thousand. Not all metempsychosis demons are as powerful as you."
"Most metempsychosis demons are very ordinary, and even the artifacts can’t make some artificial artifacts to supplement their strength. I think Miss Cang Na Sidi should have a deep understanding, right? If I remember correctly, the only artifact possessed by Miss Cangna now is the Queen. "
"There was a soldier with great potential … but he disappeared?"
"What should be missing is that I feel that my master is too whimsical and defected?"
"Ha ha ha is not without this possibility."
Listen to the high-level demons wantonly make false comments about Cang Na, who can clench his fist and sit on high without saying a word. Apparently, Seraph also has some unbearable feelings. At this time, Ye Yu gently pulled Cang Na behind him in the previous step.
"Why do you have anything else to say? Soldiers in Jimongli? We all know that you are strong, but what does this have to do with Miss Cangna Sidi? "
"Of course there is, and it’s because I’m not only a soldier named Leah, but also a soldier named Cang Na!"
As soon as this statement came out, the whole hall fell into silence. The high-level demons felt that Ye Yu was joking, while the four lords sitting at the top looked different.
The particularity of Ye Yu, Sasakes and Serafur naturally told Beelzebub and Asmode, especially the demon chess developer Beelzebub, and planned to find Ye Yu to study alone in the past.
And the four Lord adults also agreed to defend the secret of Ye Yu. Now I didn’t expect him to say it himself.
Sussex has a wry smile, while Seraph looks relieved.
This stinky little Cang, is this girl still looking at the right person? Now you are barely qualified?
Chapter 91 Ye Yu’s wish
I am not only a soldier named Leah, but also a soldier named Cang Na!
Not only high-level demons, but also some demons in the hall are all at a loss, except Leah.
At this moment Leah silk is also some nai looked at the pale and Ye Yu don’t know how she suddenly some envy the pale.
"Maybe you all recognize me as Leah who makes a demon chess to reincarnate the devil? That’s not true. Besides Leah’s silk chess, there are three pieces of pale chess, which means that it took me a full eleven pieces of devil chess to become a rank soldier, and the devil was reincarnated. "
"By the way … I haven’t said my wish yet. My wish is to rule the whole world and become a new god!"
The scene has been out of control. Seraph and Sasakers made eye contact. Soon Seraph made moves to directly take Ye Yuhe Cang away from the meeting.
And on the other side, several top officials are looking for help at Beelzebub.
"Don’t Beelzebub’s adult, is his words true or not? Is it really possible that eleven chess pieces were born and the demon was reincarnated? ?”
"No way, everyone, please calm down. You’ve gone a little too far, otherwise the Jimongli soldiers wouldn’t suddenly make such a move and say such a thing, would they?"