LanYuMian stared back at Lv Xiaobu and gave him a simple but unappealing reason. This reason is really far-fetched. It’s far-fetched to look at the China area, where the level is higher than that of Lv Xiaobu’s master. Just count it in two slaps.

Lv Xiaobu is also ready to stretch out his hand in his backpack and dig for a while to present a treasure like holding out two orange-gold gems the size of an egg and handing them to Lan Yumian. "Hey, hey, I’m ready for God’s spear, so that I can bring down the level of thirty-five experts. I’m a craftsman’s stone and then I’ll drop it by twenty, and then I’ll drop it by twenty. Say your brother, I’m a master of standard hundred levels, that’s the problem of ninety levels …"
Shuang The Story Of Diu Sim looked on coldly when she announced that she had nothing to do with it, but she was still happy to see Lv Xiaobu being suppressed by the rain sleep. I thought this idiot might just be short of equipment to make the grade gem. It’s another tragedy to lose his wife and lose his soldiers.
Sure enough, Lan Yumin took the craftsman’s stone and immediately felt elated. "Oh, Xiao Bu’s classmates can’t see that you are still a small local tyrant. You can’t find one of such advanced things in the warehouse of a guild as big as the gods. You actually have two."
Artisan Stone, this thing is raining and sleeping. I have seen treasures in the groove of Ye Feng Tianjian. First-order epic gems are hard to come by. She has killed so many boss and touched so many treasure chests, but she has never met them once. It is said that Ye Feng Tianjian is also his old slave, Chris, who collects bootleg goods. If Ye Feng doesn’t know how to be polite, he will not be willing to give it away if he buys people’s hearts and kills Chris.
"That is! Isn’t it just two craftsmen’s stones? What’s the big deal? " Lv Xiaobu dumped a handful of hair smartly, and it’s rare for her elder sister to appreciate it.
"Oh, since it’s not a matter, I’ll take it, kiddo. You honor kiddo."
With this, he put the spear and the craftsman’s stone into his backpack.
Lv Xiaobu’s remorse even made him unwilling to give up. "Kiddo, can you tell me who to send the spear to?" ….. Ah, don’t you find me a brother-in-law quietly? Where is where … "
"What are you thinking? I’ll slap you if you are careless again." Lan Yumin turned red and felt a little guilty.
"I know! Are those rumors in sis forum true? Tuoba evil that bastard put you in the harem? "
"Blind hexagrams? I will see him? " Sleep in the rain and be furious
At this moment, the whole hall suddenly shook violently, and many gems embedded in the dome of the hall were directly shaken out of the groove and fell like a rain of gems.
"He succeeded! Fast forward to the Dragon Hall! "
LanYuMian heart called a first flicker to the hole.
Sure enough, two seconds after the huge earthquake, people were stunned. The wanted order and the preparation order were announced on the screen.
World Announcement The main city of China District, Leize City, belongs to the guild of gods. The flame mage Hao Hailan participated in the resurrection of the big fiend [Death Storm Baroque], which caused the resurrection plane of the fiend to collapse. The dark world channel of torres mainland was connected and the Magic Dragon Corps officially invaded the mainland.
Player Hao Hailan was subjected to unified punishment, hope value, lucky value and military merit value. The Qing Guang League formula issued a wanted warrant for him, which lasted for one natural day. When he entered the main city, satellite city, secondary town and village in the jurisdiction of the Optical League, he would be reduced by 5% in the experience gained by all the optical league np hate methods in selling purchases and killing monsters in the wild. Whoever kills Hao Hailan will receive a large number of rewards for hope merit and additional random equipment rewards.
World Announcement Leize City, the main city of China District, belongs to the guild gods field. The mechanical warlock Li Zishen resurrected the big fiend [Death Storm Baroque], which caused the fiend to resurrect and collapse. The dark world channel of torres mainland was connected and the Magic Dragon Corps officially invaded the mainland.
Player Perilla is subjected to unified punishment, hope value, lucky value and military merit. The formula of Qingguang League issued a wanted warrant for it, which lasted for one natural day. The wanted warrant entered the main city, satellite city, secondary town, village and village under the jurisdiction of Guangguang League, and the experience gained by all Guangguang League np hate methods in selling purchases and killing monsters in the field was reduced by 5%. Whoever kills Perilla will get a large number of rewards for hope merit and additional random equipment.
It is announced in the world that the great demon [Death Storm Baroque] will be officially resurrected in ten minutes, and will lead the Magic Dragon Army to launch a devastating attack on the main city of China. Please prepare for defense.
World Announcement China District Huaxia Alliance Light Alliance East Demon-bending Front belongs to the Demon-bending Army Unity Light Temple, and the Pope issued a jihad decree to order the Knights of the Temple to go to Snow Silver City.
World Announcement The guardian of the ancient holy land, Moonlight Dragon City [Lola, the goddess of moonlight] ordered the Dragon Dragon Dragon City God Guard to stand by.
World Announcement The guardian of the ancient holy land God Casting City [Cacias, God of War] responded to the call of the gods to unite and stand by.
World Announcement The Light League and the Temple of Light are involved in suppressing the death storm of the big fiend. The various regiments in the Baroque Magic Dragon Army Campaign are expected to arrive in Snowstorm Silver City in 12 hours. Please hold on for 12 hours. If Snowstorm Silver City falls before the arrival of alliance reinforcements, alliance reinforcements will be forced to withdraw.
Since the beginning of eternity, there has never been a world announcement with such a bold and unrestrained atmosphere. Except for the busy wars of aggression and anti-aggression, almost the whole continent’s light power department has been involved in this whirlpool.
Ye Feng has made a serious prediction about the impact of this resurrection fiend. I didn’t expect the fact to be several times more serious than he expected. Even the great goddess Lola joined the crusade, and the Moonlight Dragon City, a famous ancient holy land, was also involved.
Frankly speaking, at first, Ye Feng was really worried about Baroque. What if Baroque couldn’t bear it when Nima dispatched so many gods and the main battle group?
It’s easy to be resurrected after thousands of years in a stone, but don’t be suppressed again before you show your strength.
However, when the last world announcement floated, Ye Shaoshao laughed.
Twelve hours? Even if you can’t make it in two hours, it’s estimated that the day lily will get cold. Can the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces and the "Ukrainian Union" in Snowstorm Silver City hold on to the Magic Dragon Army, one of the top ten main forces of the Dark Army? Don’t you think that those losers led by Heaven made both dragons burst into tears?
No matter how baroque dishes, it is definitely better than the frost dragon and the magic dragon army. No matter how slag it is, it will definitely explode the beast tide army!
"What should I do if the president takes it?" The cold red tone is regarded as a celebrity’s joy, and it makes him cry with joy, like a chrysanthemum being exploded for a hundred times.
"Ride back!" Ye Feng looked at the skull of the holy beast and the dragon, which were being diluted and completely decomposed into resurrection energy.
The soul stone located at the center of the circle has now melted and condensed into a finger-sized black spot, and gradually compressed at a balanced speed and kept getting smaller.
But it is the pure and surging smell emitted by such a small black spot that makes Ye Feng feel a kind of chilling fear. He has no doubt that if the Baroque comes out of the soul stone from time to time, they, who have contributed to the reconstruction of Baroque adults, will make up for it first by the three-country Coalition forces.
"Idiot also knows where to withdraw the key?"
The ghost wind in the third prison is also in a hurry. Now it’s not a matter of dying and entering the battlefield. God knows that if you die, the punishment will reach such a heinous level. You really can’t afford to die.
He had just finished spitting, and the sky suddenly became dark and boundless, as if it were suddenly swallowed up by all the darkness. The scope of dark clouds and dead bodies was getting wider and wider, and it seemed that the whole world was plunged into a night without light.
"Or random? His grandmother Baroque, the grandson’s appearance is also a little surging. I’m afraid the whole snow and silver city area has been waved. Even if we are as fast as lightning, we may not escape, "cried Wen Nan, grinning with annoyance.
"Go find Amien. Didn’t she take her guards to find the dragon treasure?" Summer rain foam wake way
"Yes, go to the dragon’s lair!"
Ye Feng quickly took the rain sleep and marked the coordinate position on the map. A line of more than 70 people rode and soon sank into the marginal dead.
Not long after they left, Baroque resurrected and volatilized, and finally it surged like a monstrous black lang. In the sky, a series of thick thunders and thunderous dances came down one after another.
With the deafening roar of thunder, the earth suddenly shuddered and trembled, and then clicked, as if it sounded the horn of the end of the world. The earth thousands of miles away in Fiona Fang was like a huge turtle shell that kept cracking, and tens of thousands of yards of huge cracks were torn apart in the crazy lightning strike, and tens of millions of players screamed and fell down.
The cracks in the ground are like the raging magma in the abyss, and the raging fire dragons roar and soar. Those players who fall to the ground will become a mass of fly ash as soon as they touch the spewing magma.
At this moment, the battle in the southern battlefield of Snowstorm Silver City has been completed in France and the Black Knight has mastered the lich Lord’s mother, Longhai Hathaway, and Clyde has also been a spent force, seriously injured and dying. What is even more surprising is that Hathaway has exploded three pole artifacts.
It’s a pity that the end came when the two bosses were full of energy and ready to carry forward the spirit of Reservoir Dogs who was brave enough to chase the poor and beat up Clyde!
It’s the real end of the world. It’s dark. You can see the turbulent dead beyond five yards, and then the earth shows signs of tearing its roots. I don’t know how long and how big it is. It’s like an ancient behemoth devouring a mess.
The veins stood out suddenly and violently in Fatian’s arm, and his eyes were splitting. Looking at the hopeless darkness, he could vaguely see that he belonged to pieces and disappeared by the rising and higher lava flames in the cracks.
In such a horrible scene, no matter how good his mentality is, he can’t help but feel aphasia, but his mouth twitches violently and he can’t say a word.
Moments later, a dense and low roar suddenly sounded in the huge rift, and one by one, the pedal flame lumbricus and magic dragon knights rushed out of the magma in droves.
They’re going against the fire, and they’re going like crazy!
Chapter DiYiLiuJiu Magic Dragon Corps
"withdraw! Fall back! The army has been evacuated to the north! "
The black knight soothed the trembling and cracked monty Peng and put it on the command channel to roar loud.
The fiend’s breath comes from the south. Compared with the magic gas, it’s suffocating. The situation in the south area is a little better, and the crazy thunder earthquake is not so dense.